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ATEE 2023 - OpenConference

Papers - accepted for presentation Proceedings »
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Distributed Wind Generation in Brazilian Sub-Transmission Network

This paper responds, through a case study, to different demands for technical information regarding definition and performance evaluation of electrical models attached to insertion of renewable energy, specifically distributed renewable generation. The relevance of the chosen case study is: First, technical information associated to models of electrical network, distributed generation and power electronic converters, in a specific level network: the sub-transmission network. A highly representative network, in large territories, in the insertion of distributed renewable generation. That is the case of developing countries with large territories, large sub-transmission networks and large amounts of distributed renewable generation to be connected, as Brazil. Second, technical information that analyzes the impact of public policies that promote distributed renewable generation into specific electrical networks. For this case, the distributed renewable generation studied is distributed wind generation (S≤30MVA). Finally, recommendations and observations are issued, based on simulations defined for specific scenarios using Matlab/Simulink software.

Adriana Yineth MONTERO CRUZ
Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo

José Aquiles Baesso Grimoni
Polytechnic School, University of São Paulo


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