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ATEE 2023 - OpenConference

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Development of Secure Remote Connection for the Electronics Laboratory Based on Pitaya Red Board

Designing exceptional engineering study programs that cater to individual needs, provide adaptable learning paths, and enable easy and quick access to relevant educational resources and instructors is a complex and demanding task that must be resolved to ensure a bright future for engineering education. The laboratory plays a vital role in engineering and applied science education. As the internet and IT (Information technology - term that includes the development, installing and use of anything to do with computing and telecommunications) technologies have evolved and connected people globally, the development of virtual and remote laboratories has become inevitable. This innovation is beneficial for students enrolled in traditional classroom-based courses, as well as online or distance learning programs. Students can now extend or adjust their study time, thanks to the growing number of smart and portable devices that can connect to the internet. This convenience greatly facilitates their ability to manage their time and acquire self-directed learning skills, which will be helpful in their future careers. The flexibility and convenience offered by virtual and remote laboratories benefit educational institutions with limited funding as well, as they reduce maintenance expenses and enable universities to collaborate on experiments.

Ciprian STAN
Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iaşi

Technical University "Gh. Asachi" of Iaşi


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